Sunday, 31 May 2009

i dun understand the exorbitant price behind the bag... but i appreciate the effort being put into making it

nope, i dun think i'll understand how a bag can cost a bomb (trust me, its a very big bomb) and yet still command such high demand. 

and i'll never understand how a term "vintage" or "classic" can edge off the fact that the design really has really been around for decades without much change.

(try telling a woman that she looks "vintage" and see what happens...) 

guess i'll never will. 

but i do appreciate the craftsmanship being put into the making of such bags.

it could be the fine cutting of the leather. 

or maybe the hand stitching. 

sometimes, it's down to this small little leather wrapped lock.


... would i pay a bomb for such bags? i guess not.
but i'm sure they bring happiness to the owners, happiness which can't be measured by dollars and cents. 

(hmm... or is it that it can't be measured by dollars and sense.)

& if my friends are happy, then it's good enough for me.   :)

and as for me, i'll be waiting for my 16" Alien Queen figurine to arrive...  something which i believe it's a purchase my friends will never understand.  :P

Friday, 29 May 2009



Onion rings...

Wild mushroom cream soup...

Spaghetti Bolognaise

Wagyu Sirloin

Sunday, 24 May 2009

... and just like that, a new dynasty has arrived.

one of the G4 members recently got a Birkin.

oh, hang on, that was a few weeks ago. 

she got a Birkin few weeks ago.

she now got a Kelly.

in little less than 2 months, she got both a Birkin AND a Kelly!

and so i humbly (& happily) hand over my crown and my title, for there is now a new platinum peanut in the G4 gang. 
All hail Wen! All hail Wen! All hail Wen!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

his royal shallowness in the making... sigh.

like mother, like son. 



Sunday, 10 May 2009

there are swiss army knives, and then there are swiss army knives.

got this multi-tool few days ago.

actually, i was supposed to get a simple wire cutter, but somehow my eyes got transfixed to this wide range of swiss army knives. 

the hypnotic powers of cold steel somehow had this power over the weak minded, and as my eyes moved from a SGD5 cutter to a SGD45 keychain knife, they kept chanting, "why stick to the pathetic one trick pony when you can get more?"

"why stick to a 5-tool toy?"

"only 10 tools? surely you can do better than that..."

and at the end, after 10 minutes of staring, i got this: a 15-tool monster!

let's see... 4 screw drivers, a saw, cutters and pilers, scissors, can and bottle opener. heck, there's even a cock screw and an awl (actually, i have no bloody idea what am i to do with that when i go camping, but what the heck).

oh, and there's a knife somewhere in it too. 

& the damage? let's not talk about the damage here. 

point is, that i got the best of the best.

now all i have to do is to get me a tent, some gas canisters, so that i can go camping and try out the monster.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Equanimity... Ooommm


now that's one word i have not heard for a long while. 

in times when our lives are measured by either success or failure, we forgot how to be zen about things. 

we forgot that trauma is survivable, and that we can't be too corky when we succeed.

we seem to think that setbacks are bad and defeats are unacceptable. 

that can't be more wrong.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

too many toys... or is it?

sometimes i think i might be buying the boys too many toys.

then again, if the boys enjoy the new stuff, who are we to say it's too many.
