Sunday, 20 December 2009

OSO... 18 Dec... burp!

2nd time there, and i think the food got better.

Maybe the G4 should go back again soon.


Sunday, 6 December 2009

G11... my new toy

ever since my Sony point-&-shoot has gone kaput, i've been thinking of getting another point-&-shoot.

thing is, i can never convince myself to get just "another" cammie... coz frankly, P&S cammie sucks when it comes to indoor / low light situations.

but i still want a P&S, coz it's small (relatively speaking, of course, to my black box) and thus, less intimidating to kids and animals.

ditto the restaurant staff too, when i start snapping away food on the table.

so finally, i decided to get my hands on this - the Canon G11.

a P&S with full manual control. released in October, it is as close as one can get where P&S ultimate standard can achieve.

not as good as my 5-year old black box. but for now, it will have to do.

the H monster

over the last 7 / 8 months, there's this great H-bug that went around infecting people.

people who got it seem to get hypnotized by the H-god and willingly succumb part of their savings to get the H stuff.

bags lah, shawls lah... even boots.

so far, 3 of the G4 have already gone to the dark side.

i'm the last survivor... wonder how long can i survive. :P

godson... again

i always say that he is growing up nicely. which is great.

and getting more vocal these days... which is normal for a Pisces.


my dog died.

actually, she died some months ago... back in July.

i thought of writing something simple here.

but nothing seems to fit.

nothing seems right.

for now, maybe i should just say, that she is well loved by everyone who knew her, and she loved everyone she knew.