Saturday 27 September 2008

The Spotty has landed.... err, make that TWO spotties.

Finally! i got my hands on them.

which means no more sad godson. or at least, no more mother-of-my-godson telling me that my godson is sad and that i have let him down.

made me having trouble sleeping at night. 

that woman is an extortionist! muahahahaha

but no matter, coz once again, godpa has delivered.

damn i'm good. 

i'm getting very good. hahahaha 


casiewbao said...

I am impressed again.. after an episode of disappt of spotty's wannabes:) hee hee......

did u check it's the real macoy? not some wannabes undercover as spotty........


casiewbao said...

jst realised all the spotties hv different patches on their face and body... hahah so if 3M is anal enuff.. he might tell u tis is not the spotty-spotty..... hahahaha

DownwardDog said...

Un-effing believable. If only you could go thru the same lengths for the effusive kitchen (aka seafood soup), my sagging necklines would have been much appeased.