Watched Dark Knight 2 days ago and loved it. But i'm not gonna write a review here (i'm sure there are more than enough reviews of the movie floating around by now).
All i'm gonna say, is that the movie gets me thinking...
Who is to say that -
- we always have to do the right thing; and that
- for being fair, one will be treated fairly in return.
It is often said, that sometimes, for a greater good, we have to give up things that we love most.
Or people that matter most.
But is that really the case?
Or perhaps that is so, simply because it seems to be the morally right (and socially acceptable) thing to do.
But is that so too?
In the movie, Joker gave Batman a choice. He gave Harvey a choice. Both are about the same thing - either to go with your head, or go with your heart; choose between what you want, or what is required of you.
I think everyone wants to be like the Batman, whose actions are so easily decided, since they are always the socially acceptable options; or would love to have the ease to choose like Harvey, since simply tossing a coin would do the trick.
But deep down inside, i know i'd prefer the Joker. Coz he follows his heart.
In the end, when the chips fall, all we have is our heart. That, is all that guides us. In times of hardship, it justifies the journey and halves the pain.
You know the tunnel that we sometimes have to stand in front of and wait for the light to appear? Well, my heart is the only thing that keeps me there. Waiting. Hoping. Craving. Lusting.
In times of craze, perhaps then it is the only beacon for sanity. Perhaps it is the only thing that matters.
And we all know how crazy the world already is.
Hee hee ho ha ha he he ho ha ha hee hee...